Saturday, October 22, 2016

week 09 (week of 17 Oct)

We critiqued the pieces today in class. I was pretty happy with my shape and video. I had done a poster but as I had simply thrown it together without even a thought of design (I was just happy to simply print it out) I was not surprised my class mates said it was a boring layout. I need to redesign that and I need to play with the settings I have in place when I export images from my model.

Today Thomas was out of town, but I went to class anyway and created a 3D spiral shape. With some assitance I set up the 3D printer and printed it out.

It took 1 hour and 10 minutes to print. I was actually surprised because it had said more like 2 or 2 1/2, so it seems less stressful than I thought it would be.

I don't know if this is exactly what Thomas was wanting but I got to play with the 3D printer and there were no foreseeable issues, so I happy. I actually can't wait to see what I do next because that was easy and I know what [not] to do next do.

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