Sunday, October 2, 2016

An Essay on the New Aesthetic RR

Reading Response on: An Essay on the New Aesthetic

I thought the blog post we had to read was well written. The writer knew his subject and was able to insert humor into his style so that it was actually fun read (see certain previous reading response blog posts for counter examples).

My favorite line of the entire essay had to be “Weirdness is merely relative.” It just spoke so much to me. I know it is taken out of context but I just love that line and I just wanted to highlight it for my own personal benefit.

I was very interested to read this essay on the New Aesthetic. I mean, the writer, Bruce Sterling, made a lot of good points and gave an excellent in depth analysis of the New Aesthetic. I had not thought about how the previous generation had personified computers but he made a very good point about how we should step away from that. But more to the point the whole idea of the New Aesthetic was interesting topic to explore. I think it is hard to give analysis to an art movement which is still going on and still developing but this writer from Wired did a pretty job. He played devil’s advocate to the point of view of seeing what machines feel/see in order to make good design.

The writer certainly had high hopes for this new generation of designers / technology artists in fixing some of the issues he listed, but I can not tell if such problems are fixable or if they nessarily need to be fixed. I really do not know what I should think about this even after reading or rather listening to his essay. I need to research more on the topic in order to fully have an opinion on this subject and make a comment or two. I did like the essay though.

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