Friday, October 14, 2016

week 08 (week of 10 Oct)

I played around with Sketchup in class today. Mostly wanted to figure out out how to do spirals for the nautilus dome I want to create. I had created a spiral from scratch but when I made it 3D the very center of the spiral was corrupted so it wasn't right.

Thomas suggested using a spiral maker and also found a Sketchup extension called Tapermaker which would make the spiral shape 3d. So for the entire class I played around with the Tapermaker seeing if I could break the computer.

I pretty much worked more on the library. I had the layout pretty much there but I needed to draw it out and fix the library itself (along with a hundred million other things).

It took a while to fix the library curves since I had created it from a top view and then went top to bottom thus the curve of the building was harder to capture or more specifically the underneath area where the columns are. It took over my weekend. And honestly I didn't have time to do the poster. Will try to print tomorrow even if there are no print lab hours. Yeah extra stress!

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