Saturday, October 1, 2016

week 06 (week of 26 September)

9/27 - Tuesday (Class)
We had a nice class. By which I mean we had a 30 minute class and then the power went out. I considered working some more on the layout of the building at home but no dice as the power was still out for a number of hours all over campus (this was written later of course).

9/28 - Wednesday
I took some reference photos of the library:

Today we saw a presentation from one of the advanced students and then Thomas talked a lot (what's new haha). In that one lesson I learned so much about Sketchup and 3d printing that I got a headache (literally). The highlight was that we learned how to insert pre-made objects like trees, lamp posts, etc. that some had made and uploaded. I played around with the pre-mades and ultimately compiled a display containing the Helix Nebula ("eye of god" formation), the library of congress building and a giant Alfred Hitchcock cameo. I like the program. It's a lot of fun. That being said, I left the class with a huge migraine and had to sleep for a while (probably unrelated to the lecture).

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