Sunday, December 4, 2016

week 15 (week of 28 Nov)

Nov 29

Jumping off from thanksgiving I was finalizing and working on my pieces for the project.
I have completed the top hat with a face referencing Dark and Handsome (Magritte). Just need to clean some points so it will be ready to print.

I created a cat and violin fusion and a Elephant with a tuba (inspired by Vladimir Kush) but Thomas said those were too controlled. They did not have the same fusion as my Dark and Handsome 2.0. So those two are out.

I'm playing with Amelia Airhart's flight suit with wings. Also I'm playing with Steven Colbert's head for a piece. I'm not exactly focusing celebrities but they are the pieces of 3d material I am working on.

Dec 1

I cleaned up Dark and Handsome 2.0 so he'll be printed some time this weekend.
I also created a piece inspired by Dali's Lobster Phone / Aphrodisiac Telephone:

though in my version it has a Moai (easter island statue).
I also created a piece inspired by Magritte's The Pleasure Principle (Portrait of Edward James)
but my version has Stephen Colbert, a light bulb and a weird creature as the body (pictures will be posted later.

The others are still in process and less concrete so I'm less sure if they will be final ones, but those three are the ones I am printing: The Colbert Idea Creature will be printed on the resin printer, the Moai Rotary will be printed at the library and Dark and Handsome 2.0 will be printed at Jennifer's home printer. 

Dec 3

I printed Moai Rotary at the library. It is smaller than I expected but it works. I had a little difficulty with the skylab people because they said they would print it and I set up, left but then when I came back a few hours later the new print monitor didn't know what happened to the print they had to print it again. Fortunately it only took 50-60 minutes to print so it was not an issue but still annoying.

Dec 4

Jennifer Holstius printed my top hat face (Dark and Handsome 2.0). I actually just told her I didn't care about the size (left it up to her and her time) and she printed it a lot bigger than I expected. I took 6 hours to print but it turned out pretty well. When I got it there were a lot of supports around it (since it was a top hat after all so the brim stuck out and needed support, but once I removed that it was pretty nice. The Moai Rotary fits inside. I would post pictures but I think I'll wait for the tuesday post so I don't have to have duplicate posts.

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