Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Final Project presentation

I tried to make a sextet (group of six) which are recreations of or merely loosely based on surrealist artists, with a main focus on Rene Magritte though one piece is inspired from Salvador Dali and another is an unknown artist.

Piece #1

My surrealist inspiration was Rene Magritte's painting titled Dark and Handsome:
My 3d version I call Dark and Handsome 2.0. It is more of a direct adaptation of the piece except seeing as several decades have passed since Magritte painted his piece and the world has changed a lot in that time, so I decided to make the orientation of the face change as well:

Jennifer Holstius printed this piece using her printer (it printed for 6 hours):

Piece 2

The second piece I want to talk about was inspired by Rene Magritte's The Pleasure Principle (Portrait of Edward James)
My 3d piece became less of an adaptation and more of a piece dedicated to what I thought was the main idea of the piece: ideas. Through association and combination I contrived a creature late one night a few weeks ago. I call it the Idea Monster:

The piece (which is also nicknamed the Colbert Creature) was 3d printed this using Thomas's resin printer. Pictures before I removed the supports:

And after. Ironically, just like the famous quote says, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry", so did my intended Idea Monster which had to be repair on the light bulb (and although I did enlarge them some of the claws of the creature broke off).

Piece 3

For the 3rd piece I wanted something simple yet equally surreal so I turned Salvador Dali and his Lobster Phone / Aphrodisiac Telephone:
However, I decided to go in a slightly different, more geometric direction than the original lobster. I call my 3d piece Moai Rotary:

I 3d printed this easter island phone piece at the library printer (it took around 50-60 minutes):

Piece 4

For my 4th piece I decided to go in a slightly different direction with a less intentional surreal art piece. So I decided to go with Winged Victory of Samothrace also known as Nike of Samothrace. Although this piece (which is located now in the Louvre) might not have started out headless I find it fun and fanciful in its final form:
I tried to make a modern take on that 2nd century BCE piece. My take I call Nike of Atchison:

Piece 5

I decided to go with a slight combination piece. It would be mainly inspired by Magritte's The Therapist (first image) but it has some similarities with his other painting The magician (second image):
I call my 3d piece The Patient of the Therapist or The Therapist's Patient

Piece 6

The final piece in my sextet was Magritte's Happy Hand:
 My version is called Key to my Heart:

And that's it. My 6 pieces. But I'm including some nonofficial designs for fun:

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