Sunday, September 18, 2016

Will Minecraft and Makerbot Usher in the Post-Scarcity Economy? RR

Reading response to: this video

I thought the ideas put forth by the PBS Idea Channel were interesting. The idea of a post scarcity economy was fascinating to think about and if you added down the whole Minecraft replication technology into the mix it brings about an interesting view on the world. The whole makerbot 3D printing technology really brings ideas like Minecraft into reality. 

I think it is really quite cool to think about how far we have come with replication technology. I mean, like the host of the video said, we can send someone a spoon via a digital file and the recipients can then print it on their 3d printer. And that printer would only cost $2,000…a price that is still high for a college student or at least me personally so I am not going to get one just yet. By the way I just looked up MakerBot on Amazon and I think that price is generalized because I’m seeing a whole range of prices from Makerbot directly: $1500, $1,099, $1199, $2,599 so it might vary and be cheeper than what they were saying it was (or it might have changed since 2012).

But more to the point I think the whole “post scarcity economy” concept was interesting to think about and not just because I love Star Trek. The whole idea might far fetched not unlike the “world peace” concept so it might not happen in its purist, idealist form where we do not have resource scarcity. However, in gradual stages we could probably progress closer to that final stage with the making of Makerbot being more accessible to people who would rather spend said bundle of money on food rather than a strange printer. Overall, I think the concept is interesting. 

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