Wednesday, September 7, 2016

week 03 (week of 5 September)

Went to the library to glance at books for ideas to make the project.

Took a bit longer because:

  1. I like the library
  2. I was looking in the oversized book section which has some wonderful books I could spend hours if not days looking at
  3. I cannot help but be nosey. 
In the case of reason 3, I was minding my own business sitting in a row studying some architecture books when two older women walked by looking for a specific numbered book. I tried to keep to myself but without thinking I jumped up and asked if I could help them (a habit I picked up from years as a volunteer librarian at my public library). Upon learning of the number I quickly explained they were looking in the wrong place and would be on the 3rd floor. I just cannot help but be nosey.

Anyway, I found a few books and took a few pictures from other books I might use for my project. Also took a derive (which I will write later'll be written much better than this rambling week review).

Have an idea but will assemble it in the proposal.

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