Sunday, August 28, 2016

Deriving a Dérive

A Dérive is wandering not based on wants or self desires but following unseen changes in atmosphere both physically and metaphysically. It is done in a unprepared manner so that one explores an area not based on geography but psychogeography. A true Dérive is normally done in a normally urban area with a group of like minded individuals, though this metaphysical traveling can be done by ones self.

Personally I would have difficulty teaching this concept to other people as I do not believe this concept can be learned from other people but by one self. However, if I were to actually to teach not through words but through actions. I would instruct them to wander and let their thoughts just go and try to feel the landscape not for what it looks like but for how it makes them feel.

I think I have actually gone on a Dérive recently. Although I know the library very well I like to just wander the corridors and — rather than look up a specific word or subject — I just let my mind go and wander via feelings. It is a very relaxing exercise and I have found some interesting books this way. Two of my favorite books I found not by looking for them was a book book simply titled “Nonsense” (which was going to be an autobiography) and a book titled “The Toothpick” (which is wonderfully a large, bible-sized book about the history of the toothpick! It’s that weird!). 

I might not have fully grasped the full Dérive experience but I would imagine wandering campus or the walking trails without purpose would be a very relaxing activity. I would probably do it for however long I walk till I have the feeling it is time to return home (either because it is getting dark or because I just have a feeling).

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